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Hey Goddess,
I am so excited about this. In fact it has been well overdue but as you know everything happens in divine timing. Throughout my journey I have had aligned with many healing practices and techniques that has allowed me to dive deeper within myself but nothing compares to the womb healing exercises I have aligned with. I did not truly experience the full essence of who I am and truly began to love myself until I cleansed and formed a connection with my womb. Within this “Heal HER Womb Healing Guide” I am teaching you the main tools, techniques and exercises that I use to heal my womb, keep my womb cleansed of negative and toxic energies as well as bacteria and soul much more.
Here’s What This Guide Will Do For You:
Form a deep connection with yourself
Release blocked sexual and emotional energies
Cleanse your womb and vaginal tract of bad bacteria and toxins
Increase your feminine energy
Tap deeper into the energy of love
Help you to let go of emotions and traumatic events taking up space within you
Calm you down allowing you to move with more ease and grace
Increase your ability to focus
Strengthen your pelvic muscles
Tighten and moisten your vagina
Release built up tension and emotions from your body
Tap into a space of euphoria
And soul much more…
What This Guide Includes:
Sacred womb dance flow
Womb journal prompts
Exercises to release the energy of past lovers from your womb
Natural douche remedies
Feminine tea blend recipe
Herbal Yoni steam recipe and step by step instructions
Crystals to increase feminine energy to work with
Crystal elixer recipe
Womb healing guided meditation
Womb healing guided breath work
This guide is currently on pre-sale for 48-hours. The guide will be released on Friday October 14th. Please allow 24-hrs to receive your guide via email.
Please allow 24-hours to receive your guide via email